Nov 27, 2013
A Little Slice of SPAS History
No, that isn't a SPAS 12 on the cover of this May, 1988 issue of "Guns" magazine, but there is an awesome article about the SPAS 12 as...
Nov 19, 2013
Firing Pin Install - Easy As Pie!
Quite literally minutes before the rough weather ransacked Indiana I grabbed the SPAS and took it outside to show off the new firing pins!...
Nov 14, 2013
New Style Receiver Buffers In Stock!
Well they're here! What can I say that the video of the test didn't say already? Made from high-impact polyurethane, no-modification...
Nov 13, 2013
The Store Is Open!
The store is now open for business! I have a *very* limited number of stainless steel firing pins in this first run so get your hands on...
Nov 10, 2013
The SPAS 12, Now "Officially" A Work of Art
Artist Nick Veasey (www.nickveasey.com) makes incredible works of art showing the internals and working parts of items varying from...
Nov 7, 2013
I'm On Pins and Needles
Hey. You. Do you know what that is? That picture there, just to the left? That's a stainless steel firing pin for a SPAS 12 made by...
Nov 5, 2013
The Results Are In
Well the results are in on the prototype buffers! I spent my Sunday with over 100 rounds of some hard-hitting high-brass and buckshot...
Nov 2, 2013
Gearing Up For The Test
Just a quick update! Got back from a trip all over the city picking up as much 00 buck and high brass as I could find (without going...